Thursday, November 25, 2021

Book Review #33 Mythical Creatures and Magical Beasts

Mythical Creatures and Magical Beasts

Author name - Zayden Stone
Language - English
Pages - 202
Genre - Mythology and culture

About the book

What made Athena furious with a local weaver that she transformed her into Greek mythology’s first spider woman, Arachne?

What is the tall tale behind Filipino folklore’s sea serpent Bakunawa, who flies through the night skies devouring moons?

What is the symbolism behind French folktale’s infamous night rider, Cheval Mallet?

We have all been exposed to a mythological beast in one form or another. Whether it is the three headed guard dog Fluffy in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, or even the story of Smaug in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth in The Hobbit; all these pop culture mythical creatures have a deep connection to the mythologies and folktales of ancient cultures.

Where did they come from? What relevance do they serve in mythology? Why are some so obscure, while others become pop-culture enigmas? Get the answer to these questions, and learn about beasts from different world cultures.

Folklorist Zayden Stone dives deep into the stories of these magical beasts and provides

  • a fictional anecdote,

  • a retelling of the original myths,

  • an analysis of the symbolism and relevance of the creatures,

  • and then pairs it with some beautiful black and white illustrations reimagined by artist Herdhian.

In the Mythical Creatures and Mythological Beasts book, the illustrated guide takes you through six themes that have been specifically chosen since they are consistent across cultures. The categories include:

  • arthropods for insects, crustaceans, and arachnids;
  • avian for birds;
  • canines for wolves and dogs;
  • serpents for snakes and dragons;
  • ungulates for hooved animals like horses and cows; and
  • aquatic for water dwelling beasts.

Presenting the creatures in categories makes it easier to see what the beasts have in common. You will find some overlapping themes across ancient cultures that point to universal ideas in how humans perceive the world.

If you wonder where your favorite creature is, you will probably find them within these pages, even if they do not have their own chapter. For example, the ever-popular Pegasus can be found in the tale of the Gorgon sisters. He also had a half-brother, Arion, who features in the ungulates section. There is also a brilliant white-winged horse from Islamic tradition which may sound very familiar to Pegasus as well.

If you have a love for the myths and want to learn about the unique beasts that dwell within them, this book is a great way to do it. Not only will you learn about ones you may have never heard of, but you will also be able to draw parallels between cultures and see how they interpreted their surroundings through stories of mythical creatures and magical beasts.

My take

In the introduction, the author states - at the heart of every myth, folktale or legend is excellent story telling. This is something that I completely agree with. The reason a reader is fascinated with mythology is not just about the characters or their supernatural elements, but the way they are all moulded into an interesting story.

The author further elaborates the basic difference between Myths, legends and folklore, with appropriate examples.

In the book, the author has compiled the stories of all myths, legends and folklore from all cultures and traditions across the globe. He has described the stories as told by the common folk tales and also the different versions of the same story. He has tried the describe the essence of the stories with an explanation as to why that particular story has been told or what moral it gives. The book is very well researched, and gives an in depth analysis of different forms of these mythological creatures, their divine or humane connections and the supernatural powers they supposedly possess. The author has also pointed out some overlap in the creatures across different cultures or origins.

The book is divided into six broad sections - Arthropoda, Ancient Aviary, cryptic canines, the eternal hiss, the unusual ungulates and aquatic beast - each depicting a separate category of animals and creatures and the stories relating to those. The stories cover everything, all the interesting tales from Greek mythology, Hindu mythology, Islamic culture, Inuit mythology, Japanese legends and so on and so forth.

My favourite was the story of Arachne and Athena, and how, to teach Arachne a lesson in modesty and humility, Athena challenges her to an all encompassing weaving competition. 

The language is nice and simple. The book is captivating and leaves the reader fascinated as well as satiated.

The illustrations are well thought of and beautifully created. The cover page is attractive.

I rate it 5 stars

Monday, November 22, 2021

Book Review #32 Do not disturb

Do not disturb

Author - Freida McFadden
Genre - Psychological thriller
Publisher - Hollywood Upstairs   
Language - English

About the book - 

Quinn Alexander has committed an unthinkable crime.

To avoid spending her life in prison, Quinn makes a run for it.  She leaves behind her home, her job, and her family. She grabs her passport and heads for the northern border before the police can discover what she’s done.

But when an unexpected snowstorm forces her off the road, Quinn must take refuge at the broken-down, isolated Baxter Motel. The handsome and kindly owner, Nick Baxter, is only too happy to offer her a cheap room for the night.

Unfortunately, the Baxter Motel isn’t the quiet, safe haven it seemed to be. The motel has a dark and disturbing past. And in the dilapidated house across the way, the silhouette of Nick's ailing wife is always at the window. Always watching.

In the morning, Quinn must leave the motel. She'll pack up her belongings and get back on the road to freedom.

But first, she must survive the night.

About the author

McFadden is a practicing physician specializing in brain injury who has penned multiple Kindle bestselling psychological thrillers and medical humor novels. She lives with her family and black cat in a centuries-old three-story home overlooking the ocean, with staircases that creak and moan with each step, and nobody could hear you if you scream. Unless you scream really loudly, maybe.

My take

Quinn Alexander runs away after committing a heinous crime. She knows what her life would be like if she ever gets caught. However, since she starts running away without much of a plan ready at hand, she is stuck in a snow storm before she can even leave the state.

She feels bad to be leaving her elder sister Claudia, who has been her only closest relative since they lost their parents at a young age. 

As Quinn takes refuge at a dilapidated Baxter motel, she finds comfort in the hospitable owner, Nick. Soon she gets to know that his wife Rosalie, who is physically incapacitated, stays in the building next to the motel. Quinn finds Rosalie staring at her through the second floor window of that building and feels eerie. With no phone with her as she gets rid of hers to mislead the police, Quinn has no way to find out more about this motel.

Quinn soon gets to know about the haunted past of the motel and that makes her restless to the core.

An ancient looking woman staying in the room next to hers, a self proclaimed clairvoyant, makes some horrifying prophecies, and Quinn can't wait to get out of the motel and on her way.

The story is narrated from POVs of first Quinn, then Claudia, and then Rosalie.

The plot unfolds over the span of just half of a day, but the flow is beautiful, and we are left wondering what exactly happened, and why.

The end, as is expected with Freida's books, is unexpected. The language is easy and captivating. The characters are well developed, and relatable. We understand the emotions behind the actions of each character.

The cover is nicely designed, intriguing enough to pique interest.

I rate it 4.5 stars.

Book review #31 Life in a snippet

LIFE IN A SNIPPET - a collection of nanotales

Author - Anjali Hinger
Publisher - Half Baked Beans
Language - English
Genre - Fiction

About the book

Life in a snippet is a collection of carefully framed nano-tales on the most simple yet complex wonder called LIFE.

This book comprises miniscule stories of love and betrayal, of happiness and sorrow, of friends and strangers, of smooth sails and tough times, of hope and despair, of breakups and moving on, of family and solitude, of woes and little joys, and of the quirky and the conventional.

My take

I am not a fan of micro-tales so I had no idea what to expect from this book. But once I started reading, it was hard to stop. It was difficult to let go of the wonderful stories that popped up page after page.

So in essence, this book is a compilation of 150 nano-tales, a story told in a few words. To be truthful, depicting an entire story, along with a wide spectrum of emotions, in such limited number of words, is extremely difficult. So kudos to the author for the great job she has done.

Every tale is a different world within itself. Each story is relatable, some stories are straight forward while others are more metaphoric. The author beautifully covers various topics ranging from the philosophy of life, the beauty of love, the aftermath of a breakup, the impact of social taboos, the attainment of inner peace, conversations with self, abandoning complexes, the beauty of nature, the sacrifices of a mother and a lot more. Every story tugs at the heart strings, makes us think and reminisce and analyse events, incidences and relationships in our own lives.

The language is simple yet enriched. The flow of words is effortless. There are no editing errors or grammar typos, which otherwise are a turn off for the reader.

The book cover is beautifully designed.

I rate it five stars. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Book Review #30 From Distress to De-stress : finding Peace within

About the book

What is stress?
Why do we feel stressed? Can we voluntarily relax our own body and mind?
Can we do anything to soothe our soul?
What is the stress response system?
What is the Autogenic training for reducing anxiety?
What exactly is meditation?
How can a beginner begin a basic meditation practice?
What is Mindfulness?
What is the Polyvagal theory?
What is CBT?

If you need the simplified answers to any or all of these questions, you are at the right place.

With his more than 30 years of experience as an endocrinologist, Dr Patwardhan realized how stress is one of the most important factors causing a plethora of diseases such as Diabetes, Metabolic syndrome, Ischaemic heart disease etc, and at the same time he became aware of the ignorance and lack of knowledge about the same. Since then, through various platforms, he has been trying to bring awareness amongst the general population regarding their own health and stress management. This book is one such endeavour.

"This is a book to understand chronic stress in your life and what you can do to reduce its side-effects on your mind and body"

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.
Keep awareness that you are witnessing consciousness anchored to your breathing and that's all!
That's it, really! Keep letting go of any thoughts that may pop into your mind. The quiet spaces between thoughts will become longer and more frequent the longer you practice.
You are on the road of meditation!
Accept, and you will allow the flow of life, expect & you create resistance, blockages to life.
Accept & embrace.

My take

A must read book!

This is one of the books that feel as if the author is speaking to you, and guiding you as you take your baby steps into the huge world of meditation.

The author has nicely explained how stress is the root cause of so many somatic problems and diseases, and how one can relax their own mind and lead an emotionally, mentally and spiritually peaceful life.

Rather than propogating meditation as something religious, this book explains the science and logic behind it in a simple language.

For beginners, different types of meditations - exactly how they are done - has been step wise explained. 

Concepts like what mindfulness meditation is, what is transcendental meditation and how exactly cognitive behavioral therapy works have all been beautifully written.

Simple breathing exercises have been described in a very easy flowing way, such that the reader is motivated to try them.

I would recommend this book to each and every person out there. Not just someone who is stressed. Like the author says, meditation is about  being aware about being aware.

I rate this book 5 stars.

Book review #29 Local woman missing by Mary Kubica

Local woman missing

About the book

You’ll never find her. Don’t even try.

When a local mother and her six-year-old daughter, Delilah, suddenly vanish, their close-knit suburban community is rocked by fear and suspicion. How could such a terrible thing have happened in their small town?

Then, eleven years later, Delilah shockingly reappears. Everyone wants to know what really happened to her. But there are secrets hidden deep in the past – and when the truth about those missing years begins to surface, no one is prepared for what they’re about to find out.

About the author

Mary Kubica is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of THE GOOD GIRL and PRETTY BABY. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, in History and American Literature. She lives outside of Chicago with her husband and two children and enjoys photography, gardening and caring for the animals at a local shelter.

My take

The story begins with a disturbing narration of a girl and a boy imprisoned in someone's basement, and how the girl escapes to freedom.

The story then spans back and forth over a period of eleven years, when Delilah, a six year old girl disappeared along with her mother, Meredith.

The small town is shocked by their disturbance, especially after a recent incidence of disappearance of another woman, Shelby. Meredith's husband Josh, tries everything possible to try and find his wife and daughter, even as his four year old son Leo struggles to come to terms with the reality. Their next door neighbours and good friends, Kate and Bea, join in the search, and Kate begins her own private sleuthing as she begins uncovering more and more secrets.

The story is narrated across different timelines and through multiple POVs. So we read the story from the POV of Delilah - the girl who escapes the basement, Meredith - eleven years back, before her disappearance, Kate - eleven years back, after Meredith's disappearance and Leo - present day, after Delilah's return.

There are lots of twists and turns. The emotions of each and every individual are well picturized. The agony of a husband who loses his wife and daughter in the blink of an eye, the son who feels neglected by his father who has himself drowned in the sorrow of his tragedy, a woman compassionate enough to step in the shoes of another one and feel her pain, the emotional and psychological trauma faced by a child who is abused.

The flow of the story is good. The build up of the suspense is also nice. However, the ending is a bit disappointing and seems slightly unrealistic and far-fetched. It feels like too many coincidences forcefully clubbed to create the confusion.

But overall, I enjoyed the read. I rate it 4 stars.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Book Review #28 The Locked Door by Freida McFadden

The Locked Door

Author : Freida McFadden
Language : English
Publisher: Hollywood Upstairs Press
Genre : Crime, thriller, mystery

About the book

Some doors are locked for a reason…

While eleven-year-old Nora Davis was up in her bedroom doing homework, she had no idea her father was killing women in the basement.

Until the day the police arrived at their front door.

Decades later, Nora’s father is spending his life behind bars, and Nora is a successful surgeon with a quiet, solitary existence. Nobody knows her father was a notorious serial killer. And she intends to keep it that way.

Then Nora discovers one of her young female patients has been murdered. In the same unique and horrific manner that her father used to kill his victims.

Somebody knows who Nora is. Somebody wants her to take the fall for this unthinkable crime. But she’s not a killer like her father. The police can’t pin anything on her.

As long as they don’t look in her basement

About the author

McFadden is a practicing physician specializing in brain injury who has penned multiple Kindle bestselling psychological thrillers and medical humor novels. She lives with her family and black cat in a centuries-old three-story home overlooking the ocean, with staircases that creak and moan with each step, and nobody could hear you if you scream. Unless you scream really loudly, maybe.

My take

Nora Davis is a surgeon. She hides a very big secret.

Her father is a serial killer, who killed more than seventeen young women, and was Nick named 'the handyman' because he used to severe off their hands as a souvenir. The workshop where he supposedly worked on making wooden items - the basement in their house - was the place he committed these heinous crimes in. When Nora was ten years old, her father got arrested and went to jail for life. Her mother, who was arrested and imprisoned as an accomplice, committed suicide in prison.
 Nora grew up with her grand-mom, changed her name, and now she just hopes no one would find out who she really is.

No one, neither her partner at the hospital, Dr Philip, nor her assistant Harper know about her past. Nora has decided not to have a relationship in her life, ever, but as she meets Brady, her boyfriend from an eternity before, who now works as a bartender, she begins getting attracted towards him.

But someone is out there who knows everything about Nora, and they are hellbent on destroying her.

First, Nora feels like someone is keeping a watch on her, trailing her car, stalking her. Next, her car is sabotaged with, her home is broken into, and she finds blood in her basement.

Simultaneously, young girls, who have been patients of Nora, start disappearing and getting murdered in exactly the same way as the handyman, Nora's dad committed his signature murders. The police began connecting the dots and start asking questions. 

The story is intriguing and keeps us guessing till the end. I love the writing style of this author. She adds the right amounts of drama, romance, suspense and thrill, without exaggerating either of these.

The story is entirely from the POV of Nora, but it shuttles between the past (ten year old Nora) and the present, making the plot all the more interesting.The suspense is well developed and doesn't disappoint the reader. The book cover is nicely designed. 

I rate it 4.5 stars.